Constituida en 2002 por iniciativa de un grupo de
universitarios, asociaciones científicas y museos, en
asociación con grandes empresas ferroviarias, la Asociación
Internacional de Historia Ferroviaria está consagrada a la
historia y el patrimonio de los transportes por ferrocarril,
a la memoria de los hombres y mujeres que los construyeron,
explotaron y utilizaron y al conocimiento de las actividades
y de los modos de vida a que dieron origen.
Del 27 al 29 de septiembre de 2006, se celebró en Lisboa
(Portugal), la II Conferencia de la citada Asociación
Internacional bajo el título "Railway Modernization an
historical perspective 19th and 20th centuries".
Session 1 - Modernization as a process
- Railway Modernization after the First World War in the Netherlands. Augustus J. Veenendaal, Jr.
- Modernizing the Austrian Railways after the fall of the Habsburg Empire: reorganization, electrification and coping with new competitors. Bernd Kreuzer
- Chromium Dreams: the political obstacles to reilway modernization in Britain. Charles Loft
- Railway development: the history of a reform à la Portugaise. Vasco Guimaräes da Silva
- Technological mutations of railways' fastening systems for the rails: a required modernization for an adjustment to the evolution of the market. Ludovic Laloux
- The failure of private enterprise and the role of the state in railway modernization: the implications of the Pennsylvania Railroad for modern European railway practice. Albert J. Churella
Session 2 - Modernization as a result of technological tranfers, failures and hesitations
- Technological modernization in networks with weak traffic flows. Safety in Iberian Peninsula railways during the XIX century. Tomás Martínez Vara / Francisco de los Cobos Arteaga
- From the École de Ponts et Chaussées to Portuguese railways: the transfer of technological knowledge and practices. Ana Cardoso de Matos / Maria Paula Diogo
- From the Steam "Dragon" to the high-speed-ICE, 1848-1998. Boris Böttcher
- The steam turbine locomotives of the Deutsche Reichsbahn. A failed innovation project of the interwar era. Reinhold Bauer
- Delayed modernization - The electrification of the German railways. Ralph Roth
- The introduction of diesel traction, as modernization element of Portuguese railways. Luis Lopes dos Santos
Session 3 - Railways and the modernization of cities, workshops and voyagers
- The modern passenger: constructing the passenger as consumer on Britain's railways, 1919-1939. Colin Dival
- Exploring the modernizing processes of railways workshop. José Luis Lalana Soto / Luis Santos y Ganges
- Railway compartments and private domestic interiors: the places of the modern man. Rocío Robles Tardío
- Amadora, a town raised due to the railway. João Castela Cravo
II Conferencia Internacional de Historia Ferroviaria (Lisboa, 2006): "Railway Modernization an historical perspective 19th and 20th centuries"